Your Life on One Page
This is a great little tool for perspective and self-reflection. The initial spark was a page I cut from a design magazine in 2003. It was a "biography matrix" created by designer Terry Irwin to aid in re-evaluating her career by reflecting on her past. I was instantly drawn to the visual of seeing the major touchpoints of your life on one page. If you've browsed the rest of my site, you'll see a theme - I love designing things that fit on one page.
Right before a trip with a long flight, I happened to re-discover the article in a stack of old papers. Seemed like the right time to try it. I packed my typical pen and 11x17 sheets of paper into my carry-on bag, and just folded a sheet a bunch of times to make my grid. I added 0-9 at the top of the columns, and then the decades down the left side. I found 1966 and wrote "Me!" to indicate the year I was born. I then wrote the name of my elementary school in the 1972 spot, then my high school, then my first car, then other cars, then friends, family, jobs. I found myself writing as fast as I could, and I was amazed how immediately interesting it was to do.
I would slow down, scan over the page, and another memory would be triggered. Then another burst of 3-4 things, often ranging over the whole page, and then another pause. After an hour or two, I sat back and just looked at what was there. Slow times, crazy times. Odd little things that turned out to be key memories for me. Nexus points that affected everything after them. It was fascinating.
Over the past year I've given sheets to a few family and friends to try, and they had similar positive experiences. Give it a try!
Over the past year I've given sheets to a few family and friends to try, and they had similar positive experiences. Give it a try!
How it works
Each square is one year. Each row is a decade. 1993 is the box in row 90 and column 3.
- Start by writing anything significant to your life where you know the exact year.
- Add other things, either in that same category, or in that same time period.
- Move around the page as things come to you. Don't limit yourself by trying to go in chronological order.
- Use small doodles and colors, not just words, and capture the major touchpoints in your life.
- Pause, add some more, pause again. Come back to it over time.
- If you aren't sure of the exact year, use a pencil or add it at the end of the row (I know it belongs in this decade, but not sure the exact year).
- Learn things about your life you've never noticed before!
Possible things to add
You could include significant...
- family
- friendships
- romances
- mentors
- pets
- places you lived
- jobs
- schools
- sports
- clubs
- hobbies
- trips & vacations
- vehicles
- books
- music
- movies
- things you made
- awards
- conversations
- moments
- rituals