I like to recommend cool and useful people, products, and techniques. This usually means sending someone a text or email, which means digging up a link or typing a description. I have started pulling these together onto one page so it's easier for me to find and send. No searching through Gmail, no retyping, and I can send help faster to more people.
Things I recommend
I share a lot of stuff. Some are things I've made. Most are not. Here are some Other People's cool things that I share all the time.
Important point first: How do I choose who to trust, and what to share? I have three simple tests.
Links to come soon on all the below, and descriptions as I make time.
- Are they giving me something of real value for free? That builds my understanding and trust in what they are doing. They first and foremost want to get their stuff out into the world.
- Do they also offer real stuff to buy (services or products)? Good, because something of depth should cost me something. I will also buy their stuff just because I've been getting a lot of free value, and I want to support them.
- Most importantly, do they discuss or reference others that I trust, or do others I trust discuss or reference them? That's not the same as recommending. Recommending today can mean kickbacks. What I mean is that the Best of the Best are humble and excited to learn and give credit. They know they don't have all the answers. They talk about the others who are doing great work because they are all in the same game - making their areas of interest better. They are confident enough in what they bring to the table so they aren't worried about what others are bringing to the table - they are inspired by it and grateful for it.
Links to come soon on all the below, and descriptions as I make time.
Behavior, Productivity, Creativity, Self-Development
YNAB (You Need A Budget) - This personal budgeting software changed my life. You can learn their Four Rules for free, but paying $7 per month for the software makes it really easy to follow, and they say the average user saves $600 by the second month, and $6000 by the end of the first year. I can vouch. It was like a budget magic wand.
Barking Up The Wrong Tree - Eric Barker's posts about why we do the stuff we do, and how we can do them better. Always entertaining, useful, and simple.
Seth Godin's blog - Daily, simple, short, thoughtful musings on finding an audience, shipping your stuff, and doing work that matters. He's the best of the best, constantly testing, refining, and successfully practicing what he preaches every day.
Get Everything Done - Mark Forster is a genius of productivity. He has spent decades developing various systems for tracking and getting things done. His insights into why most productivity systems don't work have literally stopped me in the middle of a page as I finally understood something in a completely new way. It's happened over and over in his blog, and in his books.
The paperclip Infinite Creativity exercise - There is the classic creativity challenge where you take one minute and try to come up with as many uses as you can for a paperclip. Then there is Tony Buzan's take on it. He takes it two simple more steps, and it completely changes the outcome. It becomes an incredible lesson on how everyone's creative potential is much, much greater than we assume.
The Magic of Tidying Up - several genius ideas in here. First, clean up by category, not room. It works so much better than going room-by-room with all categories mixed in together. Gather EVERYTHING you have in a single category like clothes or books, put it in one place like the living room floor, and apply the next tip. Second, touch each item and only keep the things that "Spark Joy", i.e. make you feel good when you touch them. It's a simple yes or no. Don't keep anything that feels "meh" or "it's ok". Third, store whatever you can vertically so that you can access anything without having to move something else first.
Superpower Summit
Seth Godin
Tony Buzan
Understand myself
16 Personalities
Self Authoring
Music for focus. Jarre, other languages, piano
My Noise
Weebly for simple power
Nozbe for digital GTD
Barking Up The Wrong Tree - Eric Barker's posts about why we do the stuff we do, and how we can do them better. Always entertaining, useful, and simple.
Seth Godin's blog - Daily, simple, short, thoughtful musings on finding an audience, shipping your stuff, and doing work that matters. He's the best of the best, constantly testing, refining, and successfully practicing what he preaches every day.
Get Everything Done - Mark Forster is a genius of productivity. He has spent decades developing various systems for tracking and getting things done. His insights into why most productivity systems don't work have literally stopped me in the middle of a page as I finally understood something in a completely new way. It's happened over and over in his blog, and in his books.
The paperclip Infinite Creativity exercise - There is the classic creativity challenge where you take one minute and try to come up with as many uses as you can for a paperclip. Then there is Tony Buzan's take on it. He takes it two simple more steps, and it completely changes the outcome. It becomes an incredible lesson on how everyone's creative potential is much, much greater than we assume.
The Magic of Tidying Up - several genius ideas in here. First, clean up by category, not room. It works so much better than going room-by-room with all categories mixed in together. Gather EVERYTHING you have in a single category like clothes or books, put it in one place like the living room floor, and apply the next tip. Second, touch each item and only keep the things that "Spark Joy", i.e. make you feel good when you touch them. It's a simple yes or no. Don't keep anything that feels "meh" or "it's ok". Third, store whatever you can vertically so that you can access anything without having to move something else first.
Superpower Summit
Seth Godin
Tony Buzan
Understand myself
16 Personalities
Self Authoring
Music for focus. Jarre, other languages, piano
My Noise
Weebly for simple power
Nozbe for digital GTD
Strength, Fitness, Health
Dan John - great strength coach, master of simple but not easy, advocate for reasonable training, and the guy behind goblet squats, slosh pipes, and "get back ups". I was inspired by him to create a Fundamental Movements Fano Plane, and a Fundamental Movements workout randomizer dice set.
Pavel Tsatsouline and StrongFirst
Original Strength
Gray Cook
Dr. Stu McGill
Foundation Training
Great Lakes collagen
Mike Boyle
Kelly Starrett's voodoo compression flossing for reducing swelling and pain in sprained knees and ankles in minutes
Ruck walking
Crossover Symmetry
Turkish getups
Hardstyle kettlebell swings
Goblet squats
Slosh pipes
Asthma - benedryl mayo use, and yoga position
Cold showers
Pavel Tsatsouline and StrongFirst
Original Strength
Gray Cook
Dr. Stu McGill
Foundation Training
Great Lakes collagen
Mike Boyle
Kelly Starrett's voodoo compression flossing for reducing swelling and pain in sprained knees and ankles in minutes
Ruck walking
Crossover Symmetry
Turkish getups
Hardstyle kettlebell swings
Goblet squats
Slosh pipes
Asthma - benedryl mayo use, and yoga position
Cold showers
Games, playing, music
Board Game Geek - very detailed site with games of all types, with categories, ratings and special rules. Not pretty, but tons of info, and easy to search.
TuneCore - Sell your music online, and keep all the rights and money. It's how The Fedoras got Admiral King out into the world.
Sauce kit
Favorite design books
The Mad Scientists Club
The Phantom Tollbooth
Ultimate Werewolf
Dutch Blitz
Pinball Arcade
Outside Edge
Wonka 2112
TuneCore - Sell your music online, and keep all the rights and money. It's how The Fedoras got Admiral King out into the world.
Sauce kit
Favorite design books
The Mad Scientists Club
The Phantom Tollbooth
Ultimate Werewolf
Dutch Blitz
Pinball Arcade
Outside Edge
Wonka 2112
Dave's chili
Priority Designs backpack
Priority belt-drive bikes
Ian's Knot and double knot
Blog - notepad walk
Priority Designs backpack
Priority belt-drive bikes
Ian's Knot and double knot
Blog - notepad walk